- 연구실소개 (책임교수 : 권광호)
고려대학교 플라즈마 응용 연구실은 지난 2005년 개설된 젊은 연구실로서 현재 박사과정 3인 석사과정 3인등의 구성으로 적지만 우수한 연구 인력으로 구성되어 있다. 또한 매년 활발한 연구 활동을 통하여 SCI논문 10여편 이상을 지속적으로 발표하고 있어 그 연구 성과를 인정받고 있으며 기업등과 연구 개발의 협력을 지속적으로 발표하고 있어 그 연구 성과를 인정받고 있으며 기업 등과 연구 개발의 협력을 지속적으로 확대해가고 있는 혈기 있고 젊은 연구실로서 러시아 Ivanovo에 있는 State University of Chemistry & Technology 대학과 연구 교류를 지속하고 있기도 하다.
플라즈마 기술은 현재 반도체산업 뿐만 아니라 광범위한 산업 분야에 적용되고 있다. 이에 플라즈마 기초 연구를 기반으로 한 응용연구는 그 뿌리가 되는 플라즈마에 대한 깊이 있는 연구를 통해서 다양한 산업 문야의 발전에 기여하고, 나아가 인류 산업발전에 기여하고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구실은 플라즈마 기초연구와 응용연구를 병행하여 플라즈마 기술의 응용분야를 넓혀가고 있다.
연구분야 (Research Interest)
연구분야 | 반도체, 플라즈마, 식각, 플라즈마 처리, 플라즈마 진단, 플라즈마 모델링, 나노임프린트, 리쏘그래피, 인쇄 전자, 표면에너지 제어, TFT 디스플레이, 에너지 수확, 캔틸레버, 온도센서, 습도센서, 가스센서, 무선센서네트워크 |
진행중인 과제 |
연구실 구성원
- 이준명 (Junmyung Lee : 박사과정 – Ph. D. Candidate) : lee_jm@korea.ac.kr
- 임노민 (Nomin Lim : 박사과정 – Ph. D. Candidate) : nomin_lim@korea.ac.kr
- 이재민 (Jaemin Lee : 박사과정 – Ph. D. Candidate) : jaemin_lee@korea.ac.kr
- 이종찬 (Jongchan Lee : 박사과정 – Ph. D. Candidate) : jongchanlee@korea.ac.kr
- 이병준 (Byungjun Lee : 박사과정 – Ph. D. Candidate) : wnsquddl@korea.ac.kr
- 남윤호 (Yunho Nam : 석사과정 – Master Candidate) : yhnam09@korea.ac.kr
- 최연식 (Yeonsik Choi : 석사과정 – Master Candidate) : choiyeonsik94@korea.ac.kr
- 오영훈 (Younghun Oh : 석사과정 – Master Candidate) : younghun_oh@korea.ac.kr
연구실 졸업생 (Lab. Alumni) (석사 졸업년도)(graduation year)
- 김만수(석사 2008)
- 이태훈(석사 2010)
- 김용근(석사 2012
- 박사 2020)
- 김대희(석사 2012)
- 강성칠(석사 2013)
- 장한별(석사 2013)
- 함용현(박사 2013)
- 김문근(박사 2014)
- 손진영(석사 2014)
- 천인우(석사 2014
- 박사 2020)
- 김지훈(석사 2019)
- 김창목(석사 2019)
I. International Journal(SCI) (1991 ~ ) (164 papers)
- Sun Jin Yun, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Byung-Sun Park, Young-Jin Jeon, and Sang-Won Kang, "The formation of resist profile by TMSDEA-treatment and dry development based on oxygen-helium RIE", Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 13, 115 (1991).
- Hyung-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sang-Hwan Lee, Sahn Nahm, Hee-Tae Lee, Kyoung-Ik Cho, Oh-Joon Kwon, and Young Il Kang, "A Study on Modified Silicon Surface after CHF3/C2F6 Reactive Ion Etching", ETRI journal, vol. 16, No. 1, p45-57, (1994).
- Hyung-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Jong-Lam Lee, Kyung-Soo Suh, Oh-Joon Kwon, Kyoung-Ik Cho, and Sin-Chong Park, "Characteristics and removal of silicon surface residue resulting from CHF3/C2F6 reactive ion etching", J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 8, 4596 – 4602, (1994).
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Hyung-Ho Park, Kyung-Soo Kim, Chang-Il Kim, and Yung-Kwon Sung, "Recovery of silicon surface after reactive ion etching of SiO2 using CHF3/C2F6 plasma", Japanese J. Appl. Phys, vol. 35, part 1, no. 3, 1611 – 1616, (1996).
- Il-Sup Jin, Hyung-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Chang-Il Kim, " Passivation role of sulfur and etching behavior in plasma etched TiW using SF6 and BCl3 gases", Microelectronic Engineering, 33, pp. 223-229 (1997).
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sun Jin Yun, Chang-Il Kim, Jong-Moon Park, Kyu-Ha Baek, Yong-Sun Yoon, Sang-Gi Kim, and Kee-Soo Nam, “The effects of fluorine passivation using SF6 plasma on the corrosion of Al(Cu 1%) at grain boundaries”, J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 145, No. 3. March pp. 1044 - 1048 (1998).
- Kyu-Ha Baek, Yong -Sun Yoon, Jong-Moon Park, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Chang-Il Kim, and Kee-Soo Nam, "A fluorine-related passivation layer on the etched Al-Cu(1%) alloy surface after SF6 plasma treatments", Materials Letters, 35, pp. 183 – 187, (1998).
- Kyu-Ha Baek, Chang-il Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon ,Tae-Hyung Kim, Eui-Goo Chang, Sun Jin Yun, Sang-Gi Kim, Yong-Sun Yoon, and Kee-Soo Nam, “Passivation role of fluorine on the anticorrosion of AlCu films after plasma etching”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, vol. 16, no. 3, Part II, pp. 1469 – 1472, (1998).
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Chang-Il Kim, Sun Jin Yun, Guen-Yong Yeom, "Etching Properties of Pt Thin Films by inductively coupled Plasma", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 2772 – 2776, (1998).
- Byungwhan Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Modeling Magnetically Enhanced RIE of Aluminum Alloy Films Using Neural Networks”, IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 11. No. 4. pp.692-695. Nov, 1998.
- Kyu-Ha Baek, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sun Jin Yun, Chang-il Kim, Jong-Moon Park, Yong-Sun Yoon, and Kee -Soo Nam, “ The role of Sulfur during Mo Etching Using SF6 and Cl2 gas chemistries”, Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol 17, pp. 1483 – 1486, Sept. 1998.
- Yong-Sun Yoon, Kyu-Ha Baek, Jong-Moon Park, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Chang-Il Kim, and In-Gab Hwang, “Anlge-resolved XPS investigation of the fluorine-related passivation layer on etched Al(Cu 1%) surface after SF6 treatment”, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 34, July 1999, pp. S305 – S309.
- Seung-Youl Kang, Jin Ho Lee, Yoon-Ho Song, Kyong-Ik Cho, Bo-Woo Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Dong-Keun Kim, “Fabrication of Silicon Field-Emitter Arrays by Using Low-Temperature Processes”, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 35, July 1999, S444 – S446.
- Sang-Ki Kim, Kyu-Ha baek, Jongdae Kim, Jin-Gun Koo, Dae-Yong Kim, In-Soo Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Chang-Il Kim, “Suppression of Corrosion Phenomenon on Al-1%Cu Surface with Fluorine Treatment”, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 35, July 1999, pp. S357 – S360.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Seung-Youl Kang, Sang-Ho Park, Hee-Kyung Sung, Dong-Keun Kim, and Jong-Ha Moon, “Additive Oxygen Effects in Cl2 Plasma Etching of Chrome films”, Journal of Materials Science Letters, vol 18, pp. 1197-1200, Aug. 1, 1999.
- Kyu-Ha Baek, Yong-Sun Yoon, Jong-Moon Park, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Chang-Il Kim, and Kee-Soo Nam, “Corrosion at the Grain Boundary and a Fluorine-Related Passivation Layer on Etched Al-Cu(1%) Alloy Surfaces”, ETRI Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, September, pp. 16 – 21, 1999.
- Byungwhan Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Sang-Ho Park, “Characterization of Metal-Masked Silica Etch Process in a CHF3/CF4 Inductively Coupled Plasma”, The Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 17(5), Sep/Oct (1999), pp. 2593 – 2597.
- Seung-Youl Kang, Sang-Kyun Lee, Hyung Jong Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Bok-Gil Choi, Yoon-Ho Song, Jin-Ho Lee, and Kyung Ik Cho, “Fluorine Incorporation Effects in Cl2 Plasma Etching of Silicon: Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer Analysis”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 146(12) pp. 4626-4629 (1999).
- Nam-Hoon Kim, Chang-Il Kim, Eui-Goo Chang, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “A Study on the Suppression of Etch Residues by O2 Gas Addition in Dry Etching of Pt Film”, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 35, December 1999, pp. S806 – S809.
- J, Y, Park, H. S. Kim, D. H. Lee, K.-H. Kwon, G. Y. Yeom, ”A study on the etch characteristics of ITO thin film using inductively coupled plasmas”, Surface and Coating Technology, vol. 131, no. 1-3, Sept 2000, pp. 247-251.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Seung-Youl Kang, Geun-Young Yeom, Nam-Kwan Hong, and Jin Ho Lee, “Etch Characteristics of Pt by using Cl2/Ar/O2 Gas Mixtures”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 147(5) pp. 1807-1809 (2000).
- Jung-Woo Seo, Do-Haing Lee, Won-Jae Lee, Byung-Gon Yu, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Geun-Young Yeom, Eui-Goo Chang and Chang-Il Kim, “Etching Characteristics of SrBi2Ta2O9 film with Ar/CHF3 plasma”, J. Vac. Sci, Technol. A 18(4), pp. 1354-1358, Jul/Aug 2000.
- Jong-Sik Kim, Gon-Ho Kim, Tae-Hun Chung, Geun-Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Characterization of an Oxygen Plasma by Using a Langmuir Probe in an Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 38, No. 3, March 2001, pp. 259 – 263.
- Seung-Youl Kang, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sang-Kyun Lee, Moon-Youn Jung, Young-Rae Cho, Yoon-Ho Song, Jin Ho Lee, and Kyoung-Ik Cho, “Etch Characteristics of Cr by using Cl2/O2 Gas Mixtures with Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 148(5) pp. G237-G240, 2001.
- K. H. Park, Sangsuk Lee, K.-H. Kwon, and Jong H. Moon, “The effect of CF4 and CHF3 gas on the etching characteristics of Er-doped glass”, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol 20(6), pp. 565-568, 1 March, 2001.
- Chang-Seok Oh, Chang-Il Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etch Characteristics of CeO2 Thin Films as a Buffer Layer for the Application of FRAM”, J. Vac. Sci, Technol. A19(4), pp. 1068 – 1071, Jul/Aug, 2001.
- Leonid Berezhinsky, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Byung-Sun Park, “IR cut filter”, Japan Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 40, p.5953-5954, Part 1, No. 10, October, 2001
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Seung-Youl Kang, Sang-Kyun Lee, Nam-Kwan Hong, Sahn Nahm, and Young-Sik Kim, “Etching Characteristics of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 film by using Cl2/SF6-electron cyclotron resonance plasma”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 149, 5 C280-C283, 2002.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Seung-Youl Kang, and Nam-Kwan Hong, “Etch Characteristics of Pt by using BCl3/Cl2 Gas Mixtures”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 13 (2002) 187-191.
- Leonid Berezhinsky, Svetlana Vlaskina, Vladimir Vlaskin, Sang Wuk Lee, Dong Hyuk Shin, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Byung-Sun Park, “Energy Level Structure of Amorphous Silicon Carbide”, 7, Vol. 41, p.4458-4461, Part 1, No. 7A, July, 2002, The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
- Sung-Ku Kwon, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Byung-Whan Kim, Jong-Moon Park, Seong-Wook Yoo, Kun-Sik Park, Yoon-Kyu Bae, and Bo-Woo Kim, “Characterization of via etch in CHF3/CF4 magnetically enhanced reactive ion etching using neural networks” ETRI Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 211-220, June 2002.
- Byungwhan Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Seung-Youl Kang, “Modeling Electron Cyclotron Resonance Etching of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 film Using Neural Networks” Surface & Coatings Technology, 161/2-3, pp. 174-178, Dec, 2002.
- Byungwhan Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sung-Ku Kwon, Jong-Moon Park, Seong Wook Yoo, Kun-Sik Park, and Bo-Woo Kim, “Modeling oxide etching in a magnetically enhanced reactive ion plasma using neural networks”, J. Vac. Sci, Technol. B20(5), pp. 2113 – 2119, 2002.
- Byungwhan Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sung-Ku Kwon, Jong-Moon Park, Seong Wook Yoo, Kun-Sik Park, In-Kyu You, and Bo-Woo Kim, "Modeling a via profile etched in a CHF3/CF4 plasma using neural networks" Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 41, No. 4, pp.433-438, 2002.
- Byungwhan Kim , Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sung-Ku Kwon, Jong-Moon Park , Seong Wook Yoo, Kun-Sik Park, In-Kyu You, Bo-Woo Kim, “Modeling etch rate and uniformity of oxide via etching in a CHF3/CF4 plasma using neural networks “Thin Solid Films 426 (2003) 8–15.
- Byungwhan Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Qualitative modeling silica plasma etching using neural network”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 76 – 82, 2003.
- K.-H. Kwon, A. M. Efremov, G.-Y. Yeom and Y. I. Kang, “The etching mechanism of (Zr0.8Sn0.2)TiO4 (ZST) film by using Cl2/O2-gas plasma”, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 42, February, 2003, pp.S809 – S813.
- V. I. Vlaskin, L. I. Berezhinsky, C. I. Vlaskina, D. H. Shin and K.-H. Kwon, “Efficiency of Photoconductivity in Amorphous Silicon-carbide Films”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 42, No. 3, March 2003, pp. 391 – 393.
- Dong-Pyo Kim, Chang-Il Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Properties of ZnS thin films in Cl2/CF4/Ar plasma”, Thin Solid Films, 459 (2004) pp. 131–136, Issues 1-2, 1 July, 2004.
- Sun Jin Yun, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Yong-Eui Lee, and Chang-Il Kim, “Etching Characteristics of Manganese-doped Zinc Sulfide Film by Using Cl2/CF4-Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, no. 5A, 2004, pp. 2716-2720.
- Byungwhan Kim, Duk Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “Prediction of etch microtrenching using a neural network”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, No. 7, pp. 3612-3616, 2004.
- Gwan-Ha Kim, Kyoung-Tae Kim, Dong-Pyo Kim, Chang-Il Kim, Chi-Sun Park and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Study on the Etch Characteristics of BST Thin Films by Using Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 45, December 2004, pp. S724-S727.
- Jun-Kyu Yang, Hyung-Ho Park and Kwang-Ho Kwon “Band offset control of Gd2O3/n-GaAs (001) structure by incorporation of SiO2” Thin Solid Films, Volume 484, Issues 1-2, 22 July 2005, Pages 415-419.
- A. Efremov, K.-H. Kwon, C.-S. Park, S.-I. Choi, C. I. Kim, and S.-H. Chai’ “Plasma parameters and volume kinetics in Cl2/O2 mixtures”, Journal of Materials Science: materials in Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 315 – 321, June 2005.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Jun-Kyu Yang, Hyung-Ho Park, Jongdae Kim, and Tae Moon Roh, “Rare-earth gate oxides for GaAs MOSFET application”, Applied Surface Science, 252 (2006) 7624 – 7630.
- Nam-Ki Min, Mansu Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee, and Sungihl Kim, “Etch Characteristics of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), SiO2 and a Photoresist in an Inductively Coupled Cl2/Ar Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 51, No. 5, November 2007, pp. 1686_1694.
- Alexander Efremov, Bok-Gil Choi, Sahn Nahm, Nam-Ki Min, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “Plasma parameters and Active Species Kinetics in an Inductively Coupled HBr Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 52, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 48_55.
- Mansu Kim, Nam-Ki Min, Sun Jin Yun, Hyun Woo Lee, Alexander Efremov, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “On the etching mechanism of ZrO2 thin films in inductively coupled BCl3/Ar plasma”, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 348 – 354 (Feb).
- Nam-Ki Min, Alexander Efremov, Yun-Ho Kim, Mansu Kim, Hyung-Ho Park, Hyun Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanism of Ge2Sb2Te9 thin films in inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 26(2), Mar/Apr 2008, pp. 205 – 211.
- Mansu Kim, Nam-Ki Min, Sun Jin Yun, Hyun Woo Lee, Alexander Efremov, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effect of Gas Mixing Ratio on Etch Behavior of ZrO2 Thin Films in BCl3/He Inductively Coupled Plasma”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 26(3), May/June 2008, pp. 344 – 351.
- Alexander Efremov, Mansu Kim, Nam-Ki Min, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “On the Etch Mechanism of Ba2Ti9O20 Dielectric Thin Film in Inductively Coupled Cl2/Ar Plasma” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 155(6) D468-473 (2008) (June).
- Mansu Kim, Nam-Ki Min, Sun Jin Yun, Hyun Woo Lee, Alexander M. Efremov, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Model-Based Analysis of the ZrO2 Etching Mechanism in Inductively Coupled BCl3/Ar and BCl3/CHF3/Ar Plasmas”, ETRI Journal, Vol 30, No. 3, June 2008, pp. 383 – 393 (June).
- Sun Jin Yun, Alexander Efremov, Mansu Kim, Dae-Won Kim, Jung Wook Lim, Yong-Hae Kim, Choong-Heui Chung, Dong Jin Park, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics of Al2O3 thin films in inductively coupled BCl3/Ar plasma”, Vacuum 82 (2008) 1198 – 1202. (19 June 2008).
- Alexander Efremov, Nam-Ki Min, Sungihl Kim, Mansu Kim, Sahn Nahm, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effect of gas mixing ratio on etch behaviors of Ba2Ti9O20 (BTO) and Pt thin films in Cl2/Ar inductively coupled plasma”, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 1584 – 1589 (July).
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Chang Ki Lee, Jun-Kyu Yang, Sun Gyu Choi, Ho Jung Chang, Hyeongtag Jeon, Hyung-Ho Park, Effective formation of interface controlled Y2O3 thin film on Si (100) in a metal-(ferroelectric)-insulator-semiconductor structure”, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 1781 – 1785.
- Mansu Kim, Nam-Ki Min, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee, Chi-Sun Park, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, Model-based analysis of the silica glass film etch mechanism in CF4/O2 inductively coupled plasma, J. Mater. Sci: Mater Electron, vol 19 (2008) pp. 957 – 964 (Oct).
- Dmitriy A. Shutov, Seung-Youl Kang, Kyu-Ha Baek, Kyung Soo Suh, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Influence of Ar and NH3 Plasma Treatment on Surface of Poly (monochloro-para-xylylene) Dielectric Films Processed in Oxygen Plasma”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 8, 2008, pp. 6970 – 6973.
- Hyun Woo Lee, Mansu Kim, Nam-Ki Min, Alexander Efremov, Chi-Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanism of InP in Inductively Coupled Plasma HBr/Ar Plasma”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 8, 2008, pp. 6917 – 6922.
- Alexander Efremov, Nam-Ki Min, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sun Jin Yun, and Munpyo Hong, “On the Effect of Oxygen on the Etch behavior of ZrO2 in an inductively Coupled BCl3/O2 Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 53, No. 4, October 2008, pp. 1931-1938.
- Alexander Efremov, Nam-Ki Min, Sun Jin Yun, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effect of gas mixing ratio on etch behavior of ZrO2 thin films in Cl2-based inductively coupled plasmas”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 26(6), Nov/Dec 2008, pp. 1480 – 1486.
- Alexander Efremov, Nam-Ki Min, Bok-Gil Choi, Kyu-Ha Baek, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Model-Based Analysis of Plasma Parameters and Active Species Kinetics in Cl2/X (X = Ar, He, N2) Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 155 (12) D777-D782 (2008) .
- Jae Sung Kim, Myung Jin Lee, Moon-Sik Kang, Kum-Pyo Yoo, Kwang-Ho Kwon, V. R. Singh, and Nam Ki Min, “Fabrication of high-speed polyimide-based humidity sensor using anisotropic and isotropic etching with ICP”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517, Issue 14, Pages 3879-3882 (29 May 2009).
- Taehoon Lee, Nam-Ki Min, Hyun Woo Lee, JinNyoung Jang, DongHyuck Lee, MunPyo Hong, and, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “The deposition of amorphous carbon thin films for hard mask applications by reactive particle beam assisted sputtering process”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517, Issue 14, Pages 3999-4002 (29 May 2009).
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Alexander Efremov, Sun Jin Yun, Jun Kwan Kim, Nam-Ki Min, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching characteristics and mechanism of ZnO thin films in inductively coupled HBr/Ar plasma”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517, Issue 14, Pages 4242-4245 (29 May 2009).
- Taehoon Lee, Alexander Efremov, Yong-Hyun Ham, Sun Jin Yun, Nam-Ki Min, MunPyo Hong, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching characteristics and mechanism of vanadium dioxide in inductively coupled Cl2/Ar plasma”, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 8, 021110 (2009).
- Byungwhan Kim, Sang Hee Kwon, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Sangwoo Kang, Kyu-Ha Baek, and Jin Ho Lee, “Neural network characterization of plasma-induced charging damage on thick oxide-based metal-oxide-semiconductor device” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105, 113302-1 – 5, 2009.
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Alexander Efremov, Nam-Ki Min, Hyun Woo Lee, Sun Jin Yun, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics of VO2 Thin Films Using Inductively Coupled Cl2/Ar plasma”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48 (2009).
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Nam-Ki Min, Seung-Youl Kang, Kyu-Ha Baek, Kyung Soo Suh, and Dmitriy Alexandrovich Shutov, “Kinetics of Chemical Changes in Phenol Formaldehyde Based Polymeric Films Etched in N2O and O2 Inductively Coupled Plasmas: A Comparative Study”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 48 (2009) 08HA02-1 – 08HA02-4.
- Sun Gyu Choi, Tae-Jung Ha, Hyung-Ho Park, Sangwoo Shin, Hyung Hee Cho, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and MunPyo Hong, “Effective heat conservation in a sandwich-structured microbolometer using mesoporous TiO2 layers”, Sensors and Actuators A 155 (2009) 131–135.
- D. A. Shutov, Seung-Youl KANG, Kyu-Ha BAEK, Kyung-Soo SUH, and Kwang-Ho KWON, “Inductively-Coupled Nitrous-Oxide Plasma Etching of Parylene-C Films”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 55, No. 5, November 2009, pp. 1836 – 1840.
- Myung Jin Lee, Nam-Ki Min, Kum-Pyo Yoo, Ki-Young Kwak, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Microhotplate-based High-Speed Polyimide Capacitive Humidity Sensors”, Sensor Letters, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 517 – 522.
- Sun Gyu CHOI, A. Sivasankar REDDY, MunPyo HONG, Kwang-Ho KWON, and Hyung-Ho PARK, “Size effect of substitutional alkaline-earth elements on the electrical and structural properties of LaMnO3 films”, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 117 [11] 1249-1253 2009.
- Kum-Pyo Yoo, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Nam-Ki Min, Myong Jin Lee, and Cheol Jin Lee, “Effects of O2 plasma treatment on NH3 sensing characteristics of multiwall carbon nanotube/polyaniline composite films”, Sensors and Actuators B 143 (2009) 333–340 2010.
- Sun Gyu Choi, Seok-Joo Wang, and Hyung-Ho Park, MunPyo Hong, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effects of dopant ion and Mn valence state in the La1−xAxMnO3 (A=Sr, Ba) colossal magnetoresistance films” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 28 (1), Jan/Feb 2010 1–5.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Yong-Hyun Ham, Nam Ki Min, Hyun Woo Lee, MunPyo Hong, and Kwangsoo Kim, “Etching characteristics and mechanism of indium tin oxide films in an inductively coupled HBr/Ar Plasma”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 28 (1), Jan/Feb 2010 11–15.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Moonkeun Kim, Nam Ki Min, MunPyo Hong, and Kwangsoo Kim, “Etch Mechanism of In2O3 and SnO2 Thin Films in HBr-based Inductively Coupled Plasmas”, JVST A 28(2) Mar/Apr 2010 226-231.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Moonkeun Kim, Nam Ki Min, Jaehwa Jeong, and Kwangsoo Kim, “Etching Characteristics of In2O3 and SnO2 Thin Films in an Inductively Coupled HBr/Ar Plasma: Effects of Gas Mixing Ratio and Bias Power” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 (2010) 031103-1 – 031103-5.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Moonkeun Kim, Nam Ki Min, Jaehwa Jeong, and Kwangsoo Kim, “A Model-Based Analysis of Plasma Parameters and Composition in HBr/X (X = Ar, He, N2) Inductively Coupled Plasmas”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (5) H574-H579 (2010).
- Kum-Pyo Yoo, Myung Jin Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Jaehwa Jeong, Nam-Ki Min, “Dielectric properties of on-chip-cured polyimide films”, Thin Solid Films, Volume 518, Issue 21, 31 August 2010, Pages 5986-5991.
- Alexander Efremov, Nam Ki Min, Jaehwa Jeong, Youngkeun Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching characteristics of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, Pt, SiO2 and Si3N4 in an inductively coupled HBr/Ar plasma”, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2010, 045020 (6pp)
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Alexander Efremov, Hyun-Woo Lee, Sun Jin Yun, Nam Ki Min, Kwangsoo Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching characteristics and mechanism of ZnO and Ga-doped ZnO thin films in inductively coupled HBr/Ar/CHF3 plasma”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 (2010) 08JB03-1 – 5.
- Moonkeun Kim, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee, Nam Ki Min, Hyung-Ho Park, Kyu-Ha Baek, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effect of Gas Mixing Ratio on Etch Behavior of Y2O3 Thin Films in Cl2/Ar and BCl3/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasmas” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 (2010) 08JB04-1 – 6.
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Dmitriy Alexandrovich Shutov, Kyu-Ha Baek, Lee-Mi Do, Kwangsoo Kim, Chi-Woo Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Surface characteristics of parylene-C films in an inductively coupled O2/CF4 gas plasma, Thin Solid Films, Volume 518 (2010) Pages 6378-6381
- S. G. Choi, S.-J. Wang, H.-H. Park, J.-N. Jang, M. P. Hong, K.-H. Kwon, and H.-H. Park, “Properties of amorphous silicon thin films synthesized by reactive particle beam assisted chemical vapor deposition”, Thin Solid Films, Volume 518, Issue 24 (2010) Pages 7372-7376 (ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, PO BOX 564, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 1001) 1 Oct 2010
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Youngkeun Kim, Alexander Efremov, and Kwangsoo Kim, “On the Dry Etch Mechanisms of Y2O3, SiO2, and Si3N4 in a Cl2/BCl3 Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 58, No. 3, March 2011, pp. 467 – 471
- Alexander Efremov, Youngkeun Kim, Hyun-Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “A Comparative Study of HBr-Ar and HBr-Cl2 Plasma Chemistries for Dry Etch Applications” Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2011) 31:259-271
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee, Sun Jin Yun, Nam Ki Min, Kyu-Ha Baek, Lee-Mi Do, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanism of Ga-dopped ZnO Thin Films in Inductively-Coupled HBr/X (X = Ar, He, N2, O2) Plasmas”, Vacuum 85 (2011), pp. 1021-1025.
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Youngkeun Kim, Chi-Woo Lee, and Kwangsoo Kim, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, Pt, and SiO2 in an Inductively Coupled HBr/Cl2 Plasma”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 066502-1 – 6
- Moonkeun Kim, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee, Hyung-Ho Park, Nam Ki Min, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “HfO2 Etching Mechanism in Inductively-Coupled Cl2/Ar Plasma”, Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 6708–6711
- Y.-H. Ham, Youngkeun Kim, K.-H. Baek, L. M. Do, K.-H. Kwon, and Kang-Bak Park, “Analysis of Etching Mechanism and Etched Slope Control of Silicon for Nanoimprinting Lithography”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, 6523-6527, 2011
- Moonkeun Kim, Beomseok Hwang, Nam Ki Min, Jaehwa Jeong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Kang-Bak Park, “Design and fabrication of a PZT cantilever for low frequency vibration energy harvesting”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, 6510-6513, 2011.
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Dong-Pyo Kim, Kun-Sik Park, Ye-Sul Jeong, Ho-Jin Yun, Kyu-Ha Baek, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Kijun Lee, Lee-Mi Do, “Dual etch processes of via and metal paste filling for through silicon via process”, Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 6727-6731
- DongHyeok Lee, JinNyoung Jang, Kwang-Ho Kwon, SukJae You, BonJu Lee, and MunPyo Hong, “Influence of argon neutral beam energy on the structural properties of amorphous carbon thin films grown by neutral particle beam assisted sputtering”, Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 6703–6707.
- Alexander Efremov, Sungchil Kang, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Won Seok Choi, “Etching characteristics and mechanisms of SiC thin films in inductively-coupled HBr-Ar, N2, O2 plasmas”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 29(6), 06B103-1 – 6, Nov/Dec 2011.
- Sun Gyu CHOI, Jin-Nyoung JANG,* MunPyo HONG,* Kwang-Ho KWON** and Hyung-Ho PARK, Effect of reflector bias voltage on the nanocrystallization of silicon thin films by reactive particle beam assisted chemical vapor deposition, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 119 [12] 922-925 2011.
- Sun Gyu Choi, Hyung-Ho Park, Jin-Nyoung Jang, MunPyo Hong, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effect of plasma source power on the nanocrystallization of silicon thin films by reactive particle beam assisted chemical vapor deposition”, Ceramics International 38S (2011) S641-S644.
- Hanbyeol Jang, Alexander Efremov, Daehee Kim, Sungchil Kang, Sun Jin Yun, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of TiO2 Thin Films in HBr/Ar and Cl2/Ar Inductively-Coupled Plasmas, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2012) 32:333-342, DOI: 10.1007/s11090-012-9352-5
- Youngkeun Kim, Sungchil Kang, Young-Hyun Ham, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, Dimitriy Alexandrovich Shutov, Hyun-Woo Lee, Jae Jong Lee, Lee-Mi Do, and Kyu-Ha Baek, “Study on surface modification of silicon using CHF3/O2 plasma for nano-imprint lithography”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 30(3), 03160-1 – 6, May/Jun 2012
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Dong-Pyo Kim, Kyu-Ha Baek, Kun-Sik Park, Moonkeun Kim, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Kijun Lee, and Lee-Mi Do, “Metal/Dielectric Liner Formation by a Simple Solution Process for through Silicon via Interconnection”, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 15 (5) H145-H147 (2012)
- Moonkeun Kim, Sagn-Kyun Lee, Yong-Hyun Ham, Yil Suk Wang, Jong-Kee Kwon, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Vibration energy harvester with sustainable power based on a single-crystal piezoelectric cantilever array”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 12, 6283-6286, 2012
- Moonkeun Kim, Beomseok Hwang, Jaehwa Jeong, Nam Ki Min, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Micromachining of a bimorph Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) cantilever using micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) process for energy harvesting application”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 12, 6011-6015, 2012
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, A. Efremov, Sungchil Kang, Hanbyeol Jang, and Kwangsoo Kim, “Etching Behavior and Mechanism of In, Ga-dopped ZnO Thin Films in Inductively-Coupled BCl3/Cl2/Ar Plasmas”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51 (2012) 076201-1–5.
- Y.-H. Ham, D. -P. Kim, K.-H. Baek, K.-S. Park, M. Kim, K.-H. Kwon*, K. Lee, and L.-M. Do*, “Formation of metal and dielectric liners using a solution process for deep trench capacitors”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 12, 5897-5901, 2012
- Moonkeun Kim, Hanbyeol Jang, Yong-Hwa Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Kang-Bak Park, “Modeling of an Inductively Coupled Cl2/Ar Plasma Using Neural Network”, Thin solid films 521 (2012) 38– 41
- Daehee Kim, Alexander Efremov, Hanbyeol Jang, Sungchil Kang, Sun Jin Yun, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of TiO2 Thin Films in HBr/Cl2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 51, no. 10, 106201-1-5
- Y-H Ham, D-P Kim, K-H Baek, K-S Park, K-H Kwon* and L M Do*, “Analysis of metal filling and liner formation mechanism of blind via with nano-Ag particles for TSV (Through silicon via) inter connection”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(2012) 075013-1-8 (8pp)
- Moonkeun Kim, Hanbyeol Jang, Yong-Hwa Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Kang-Bak Park, “Modeling of electron temperature and DC bias voltage in an inductively-coupled Cl2/Ar plasma using neural network”, Surface & Coatings Technology 231 (2013) 546–549
- Chuan Li, Daewoong Hong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Jaehwa Jeong, “Bond graph-based analysis of energy conversion in vibration-piezoelectricity coupling and its application to a cantilever vibration energy harvester”, JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING JUNE 2012. VOLUME 14, ISSUE 2. pp. 591-601
- Park, Chang-Sun; Choi, Sun Gyu; Park, Hyung-Ho; Jang, Jin-Nyoung; Hong, MunPyo; Kwon, Kwang-Ho, “Compensation effect of boron and nitrogen co-doping on the hardness and electrical resistivity of diamond-like carbon films prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 27, No. 23, Dec 14, 2012
- Chang-Sun Park, Sun Gyu Choi, Jin-Nyoung Jang, MunPyo Hong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Hyung-Ho Park, “Effect of boron and silicon doping on the surface and electrical properties of diamond like carbon films by magnetron sputtering technique”, Surface & Coatings Technology, 231 (2013) 131-134
- Sungchil Kang, Alexander Efremov, Sun Jin Yun, Jinyoung Son, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of Mo and Al2O3 Thin Films in O2/Cl2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasmas: Effect of Gas Mixing Ratios, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, vol. 33, Issue 2(2013), pp. 527 – 538
- Yong-Hyun Ham, Dmitriy Alexandrovich Shutov, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Surface characteristics of etched parylene-C films for low-damaged patterning process using inductively-coupled O2/CHF3 gas plasma”, Applied Surface Science 273 (2013) 287-292
- H. P. Hong, K. H. Jung, J. H. Kim, K-H Kwon, C. J. Lee, K. N. Yun, and N. K. Min, “Percolated pore networks of oxygen plasma-activated multi-walled carbon nanotubes for fast response, high sensitivity capacitive humidity sensors”, Nanotechnology 24 (2013) 085501
- Hanbyeol Jang, Alexander Efremov, Sun Jin Yun, Geun Young Yeom, Kyoung Bo Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Degradation and Modification of Stainless-Steel Surface Using Cl2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Applied Surface Science (2013), pp. 41-45
- Chuan Li, Daewoong Hong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Jaehwa Jeong, “A Multimode Relayed Piezoelectric Cantilever for Effective Vibration Energy Harvesting”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 52, no. 5, (2013) 050202-1 – 4
- Sungchil Kang, Hyun Woo Lee, Mun Pyo Hong, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Electrical and mechanical characteristics of room temperature deposited silicon nitride using inner two parallel cylindrical coil inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 13, 6326-6332, 2013
- Moonkeun Kim, Sang-Kyun Lee, Yil Suk Yang, Jaehwa Jeong, Nam Ki Min, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Design and Fabrication of Vibration based Energy Harvester using Microelectrochemical System Piezoelectric Cantilever for Low Power Applications”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 13, 7932-7937, 2013
- Sungchil Kang, Seong-Kyun Jeong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Kang-Bak Park, “Neural Network Modeling of Deposition Rate Characteristics of Low Temperature Silicon Nitride Deposited by Inner Two Parallel Coil Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 13, 8101-8105, 2013
- Myung Jin Lee, Hyun Pyo Hong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Chan Won Park, Nam Ki Min, “Fast-speed, high-sensitivity polyimide humidity sensors with superhydrophilic carbon nanotube network electrodes”, Sensors and Actuators B 185 (2013) 97-104
- Jinyoung Son, Alexander Efremov, Inwoo Chun, Geun Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon,” On the LPCVD-formed SiO2 Etching Mechanism in CF4/Ar/O2 Inductively Coupled Plasmas: Effects of Gas Mixing Ratios and Gas”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, (2014), 34:239-257
- Kwang-Ho Kwon, Alexander Efremov, Sun Jin Yun, Inwoo Chun, and Kwangsoo Kim, “Dry etching characteristics of Mo and Al2O3 films in O2/Cl2/Ar inductively coupled plasmas”, Thin Solid Films, 552 (2014) 105 – 110
- Sungchil Kang, Hyun Woo Lee, MunPyo Hong, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Characteristics of room temperature silicon nitride deposited by Internal Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 14, 6189-6195 (2014)
- Chuan Li, Daewoong Hong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Jaehwa Jeong, “Enhancement of energy harvesting performance for a piezoelectric cantilever using a spring mass suspension”, JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING, FEBRUARY 2014. VOLUME 16, ISSUE 1. pp. 116-125, ISSN 1392-8716
- Jinyoung Son, Min-Sik Kim, Hyun Woo Lee, Jong-Sung Yu, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Surface modification of polypropylene separators in lithium-ion batteries using inductively coupled plasma treatment.”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 14, 9368-9372, 2014
- Inwoo Chun, Hyun-woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Micro Electro-Mechanical System Piezoelectric Cantilever Array for a Broadband Vibration Energy Harvester”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Vol. 14, 9253-9257, 2014
- Nomin Lim, Alexander Efremov, Geun Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “On the Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of HfO2 Thin Films in CF4/O2/Ar and CHF3/O2/Ar Plasma for nano-device”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 14, 9670-9679 (2014)
- Jinyoung Son, Alexander Efremov, Sun Jin Yun, Geun Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “Etching Characteritics and Mechanism of SiNx Films for Nano-devices in CH2F2/O2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma: Effect of O2 Mixing Ratio”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 14, 9368-9372 (2014)
- Nomin Lim, Alexander Efremov, Geun Young Yeom, Bok-Gil Choi, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “Etching characteristics and mechanisms of Mo thin films in Cl2/Ar and CF4/Ar inductively coupled plasmas”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53, 116201(2014)
- Inwoo Chun, Alexander Efremov, Geun Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “A Comparative Study of CF4/O2/Ar and C4F8/O2/Ar Plasmas for Dry Etching Applications” Thin Solid Films, 579 (2015) 136-143
- Jaemin Lee, Junmyung Lee, Hyun Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Anti-adhesive characteristics of CHF3/O2 and C4F8/O2 plasma-modified silicon molds for nanoimprint lithography, Materials Research Bulletin 69 (2015) 120-125 September
- Kwangsoo Kim, Alexander Efremov, Junmyung Lee, Geun Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon “Etching Mechanisms of (In, Ga, Zn)O Thin Films in CF4/Ar/O2 Inductively Coupled Plasma, JVST A, published 26 February 2015
- Junmyung Lee, Alexander Efremov, Jaemin Lee, Geun Young Yeom, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Silicon Surface Modification Using C4F8 + O2 Plasma for nano-Implant Lithography”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 8749-8755, (2015)
- Junmyung Lee, Alexander Efremov, Geun Young Yeom, Nomin Lim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Application of Si and SiO2 Etching Mechanisms in CF4/C4F8/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasmas for Nanoscale Patterns”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 15, 8340-8347, (2015)
- Alexander Efremov, Joon Hyub, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “A Model-Based Comparative Study of HCl and HBr Plasma Chemistries for Dry Etching Purposes”, Plasma chemistry and plasma processing , 35(6), p1129-1142 (2015)
- Chang-Sun Park, Hong-Sub Lee, Dong Il Shim, Hyung hee Cho, Hyung-Ho Park and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Oxygen-deficiency-dependent Seebeck coefficient and electrical properties of mesoporous La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-x films”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 4433-4439 (2016)
- Jamin Lee, Alexander Efremov, Ryeo Gang Son, Seung Pil Pack, Hyun Woo Lee, Kwangsoo Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Ammonia-based plasma treatment of single-walled carbon nanotube thin films for bio-immobilization”, Carbon, 105, p430-437 (2016)
- Junmyung Lee, Alexander Efremov, Byung Jun Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of TiO2 Thin Films in CF4 + Ar, Cl2 + Ar and HBr + Ar Inductively Coupled Plasmas”, Plasma chemistry and plasma processing , 36, p1571-1588 (2016)
- Jongchan Lee, Alexander Efremov, Kwangsoo Kim and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching characteristics of SiC, SiO2, and Si in CF4/CH2F2/N2/Ar inductively coupled plasma: Effect of CF4/CH2F2 mixing ratio”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 106201 (2016)
- Jaemin Lee, Alexander Efremov, Junmyung Lee, Kwangsoo Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, Etching Characteristics of Carbon Nanotube Thin Films in O2/Ar Plasma”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16,12021-12027 (2016)
- Byung Jun Lee, Boung Jun Lee, Alexander Efremov, Ji-Woon Yang, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Characteristics and Mechanisms of MoS2 2D Crystals in O2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. vol. 16, 11201-11209 (2016)
- Yong Geun Kim, Jummyung Lee, Hyun Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Chracteristics of Graphene Film for Electronic Devices Using Inductively Coupled Plasma”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16,11986-11991 (2016)
- Woojae Han, Byungwook Yoo, Kwang-Ho Kwon, Hyung Hee Cho, and Hyung-Ho Park, “Fluorine ligand exchange effect in poly (vinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) with embedded fluorinated barium titanate nanoparticles” Thin Solid Films, Vol 619, 17-24 (2016)
- Nomin Lim, Daewoong Hong, Jaehwa Jeong, Hyun Woo Lee and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Surface Modification Due to Plasma Treatment of an Aluminum Electrode for a Triboelectric Generator”, J. Nanosci Nanotechnol. vol. 17, 3328-3332 (2017)
- Nomin Lim, Daewoong Hong, Jaehwa Jeong, Hyun Woo Lee and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Inductively Coupled Plasma Surface Modification of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Application in a Trib oelectric Generator” Thin Solid Films, Vol. 637, 27-31(2017)
- Alexander Efremov, Junmyung Lee and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “A comparative study of CF4, Cl2 and HBr +Ar Inductively coupled plasmas for dry etching applications”, Thin Solid Films, vol.629, 39-48 (2017)
- Jongchan Lee, Alexander Efremov, Kwangsoo Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “On the Etching Mechanisms of SiC Thin Films in CF4/CH2F2/N2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma” Plasma Chem. Plasma Process, Vol. 37(2), 489-509 (2017)
- Boung Jun Lee, Byung Jun Lee, Jongchan Lee, Ji-Woon Yang, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Effects of plasma treatment on the electrical reliability of multilayer MoS2 field-effect transistors”,Thin Solid Films, vol.637, 32-36 (2017)
- Jaemin Lee, Alexander Efremov and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “On the relationships between plasma chemistry, etching kinetics and etching residues in CF4+C4F8+Ar and CF4+CH2F2+Ar plasmas with various CF4/C4F8 and CF4/CH2F2 mixing ratios”, Vacuum, 214-223, (2018) Published
- Junmyung Lee, Jihun Kim, Byung Jun Lee, Jongchan Lee, Hyun Woo Lee, Min-Hee Hong, Hyung-Ho Park, Dong Il Shim, Hyung Hee Cho, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Characterization of Mesoporous Silica Thin Films for Application to Thermal Isolation Layer”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.660, 715-719, (2018).
- Changmok Kim, Alexander Efremov, Jaemin Lee, Il Ki Han, Young-Hwan Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Kinetics and mechanisms for ion-assisted etching of InP thin films in HBr + Cl2 + Ar inductively coupled plasma with various HBr/Cl2 mixing ratios”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.660, 590-595, (2018).
- Jongchan Lee, Jaehyun Moon, Jae-Eun Pi, Seong-Deok Ahn, Himchan Oh, Seung-Youl Kang, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “High mobility ultra-thin crystalline indium oxide thin film transistor using atomic layer deposition”, Applied physics letters, Vol.113, 112102, (2018).
- Yong Geun Kim, Nomin Lim, Jihun Kim, Changmok Kim, Junmyung Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Study on the surface energy characteristics of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) films modified by C4F8/O2/Ar plasma treatment”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 31, 198-203, (2019)
- Jaemin Lee, Changmok Kim, Hyun Woo Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Sidewall chemistry of nano-contact patterns in C4F8+CH2F2+O2+Ar inductively coupled plasmas”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.669, 227-234, (2019)
- Byung Jun Lee, Alexander Efremov, Junmyung Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching kinetics and mechanisms of SiC thin films in F‑, Cl- and Br‑based plasma chemistries”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Vol.39, 325-338, (2019)
- Byung Jun Lee, Alexander Efremov, Jihun Kim, Changmok Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Peculiarities of Si and SiO2 Etching Kinetics in HBr + Cl2 + O2 Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Vol 39, 339-358, (2019)
- Byung Jun Lee, Alexander Efremov, Jihun Kim, Changmok Kim, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Plasma parameters, gas-phase chemistry and Si/SiO2 etching mechanisms in HBr+Cl2+O2 gas mixture: Effect of HBr/O2 mixing ratio”, Vacuum, Vol 163, 110-118, (2019) Online pulished
- Nomin Lim, Alexander Efremov, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Gas-phase chemistry and etching mechanism of SiNx thin films in C4F8+Ar inductively coupled plasma”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 685, 97-107, (2019)
- Junmyung Lee, Jihun Kim, Changmok Kim, Alexander Efremov, Hyun Woo Lee and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Kinetics and Surface Conditions for SiOxNy Thin Films in CF4+CHF3+O2 Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Vol.39 (4) 1127-1144, (2019)
- Nomin Lim, Il Ki Han, Young-Hwan Kim, Hyun Woo Lee, Yunsung Cho, Jeong-Su Kim, Yeon-Ho Im and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Abnomal characteristics of etched profile on thick dielectrics for MEMS in inductively coupled plasma”, Vacuum, 166, 45-49 (2019)
- Nomin Lim, Alexander Efremov, Hyun-Gyu Hwang, Sahn Nahm and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Etching Kinetics and Surface Conditions for KNbxOy Thin Films with Fluorine‑ and Chlorine‑Based Plasma Chemistries”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 40, 625-640 (2020)
- Yong Geun Kim, Changmok Kim, Junmyung Lee, Hyun Woo Lee and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Direct transfer of graphene by control of polydimethylsiloxane surface energy”, Thin Solid Films, Vol.697, 137847 (2020), 08, Feb. (2020)
- Junmyung Lee, Yunho Nam, Jongchan Lee, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Study on the Etching characteristics of SiON thin films using the liquefied perfluorocarbon alternative gas of C6F12O”, Plasma Science & Technology, accepted 10, June (2020)
- Jaemin Lee, Hyun Woo Lee, Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Characteristics of etching residues on the upper sidewall after anisotropic plasma etching of silicon”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 517, 146189 (2020)
- Byung Jun Lee, Alexander Efremov, Yunho Nam, and Kwang-Ho Kwon, “Plasma Parameters and Silicon Etching Kinetics in C4F8+O2+Ar Gas Mixture: Effect of Component Mixing Ratios”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, -Accept