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- 정밀시스템 연구실은 마이크로미터 수준을 넘어 나노미터 수준의 정밀도를 요구하는 초정밀 생산장비, 가공기, 측정기, 정보저장기기 등의 핵심 요소인 정밀 구동시스템과 정밀 측정 시스템에 관하여 연구하고 있습니다. 현재 전자기/압전 구동기 시스템 설계 및 제어, 유연기구 가이드 시스템 설계 및 제어, 마이크로 시스템의 형상 측정 기술, 진동 에너지 수확 기술 개발에 대해 중점적으로 연구를 진행 하고 있습니다.
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- 홍대웅, 박사과정 : smiletong@korea.ac.kr
- 오정민, 석사과정 : ohjm07@korea.ac.kr
- 문규창 , 석사과정 : ansrbckd@korea.ac.kr
SCI(E) Journal (2005 ~ )
- Jaehwa Jeong, Jun-Hee Lee, Hyoung-Kil yoon, Dae-Gab Gweon, "Thickness minimized magnetic circuit for rotary type voice coil motor", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 1262-1263, March, 2005.
- Jun-Hee Lee, Dae-Gab Gweon, D.-K. Jin, Hyoung Kil Yoon, Jaehwa Jeong, "Tolerance allocation and auto alignment algorithm of focusing unit for near field recording system", Int. J. of Adv. Manuf. Tech., Vol. 29, pp. 1041-1049, June 2006: online June 7, 2006
- Hyoung Kil Yoon, Dae-Gab Gweon, Jun-Hee Lee, Jaehwa Jeong, "Experimental Verification of an Autoalignment for the Focusing Unit of NFR System: Neural Network Approach", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 2B, pp. 1357-1362, February 2006: online Feb. 24 2006
- Young-Man Choi, Jaehwa Jeong, and Dae-Gab Gweon, "A Novel Damping Scheduling Scheme for Proximate Time Optimal Servomechanisms in Hard Disk Drives", IEEE Tran. On Mag., Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 468-472, March 2006
- Jaehwa Jeong, Dae-Gab Gweon, "Optimal Design of Rotary-Type Voice Coil Motor Using Multisegmented Magnet Array for Small Form Factor Optical Disk Drive", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No. 5A, pp. 2912-2914, May 2007.
- Young-Man Choi, Jaehwa Jeong, and Dae-Gab Gweon, "Modified damping scheduling proximate time optimal servomechanism for improvements in short strokes in hard disk drives", IEEE Tran. On Mag., Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 540 - 546, April 2008.
- Dongwoo Kang, Kihyun Kim, Dongmin Kim, Jongyoup Shim, Dae-Gab Gweon, Jaehwa Jeong, "Optimal design of high precision XY-scanner with nanometer-level resolution and millimeter-level working range", Mechatronics, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 562-570, June 2009.
- Young-Man Choi, Moon G. Lee, Dae-Gab Gweon, Jaehwa Jeong, "A new magnetic bearing using Halbach magnet arrays for a magnetic levitation stage", Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 80, No. 4, 045106-1~045106-9, April 2009.
- Donghyun Hwang, Deuk-Kyu Lee, Jaehwa Jeong, Moon G. Lee, "Vibration transmissibility reduction module with flexure mechanism for personal tools", The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 223-226, 2010
- Young-Man Choi, Dahoon Ahn, Dae-Gab Gweon, and JaehwaJeong, “Halbach Magnetic Circuit for Voice Coil Motor in Hard Disk Drives”, Journal of Magnetics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 143~147, 2010.
- Donghyun Hwang, Moon G. Lee, and JaehwaJeong, “Design of a Novel Ultra Precision In-plane XYθ Positioning Stage”, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 82, 26102, 2011.
- Donghyun Hwang, Jungwoong Byun, JaehwaJeong, and MoonG.Lee,"Robust Design and Performance Verification of an In-Plane XYθ Micropositioning Stage", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp.1412~1423, 2011.
- Moonkeun Kim, Beomseok Hwang, Nam Ki Min, Jaehwa Jeong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Kang-Bak Park, "Design and Fabrication of a PZT Cantilever for Low Frequency Vibration Energy Harvesting," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, pp. 6510-6513, 2011.
- Jung-Jae Kim, Young-Man Choi, Dahoon Ahn, Beomseok Hwang, Dae-Gab Gweon, Jaehwa Jeong, "A millimeter-range flexure-based nano-positioning stage using a self-guided displacement amplification mechanism", Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 50, pp. 109-120, Apr. 2012.
- Chuna Li, Daewoong Hong, Kwang-Ho Kwon, and Jaehwa Jeong, "Bond graph-based analysis of energy conversion in vibration-piezoelectricity coupling and its application to a cantilever vibration energy harvester", Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 14, pp. 591-601, Jun. 2012.
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